News & Announcements Archive

Graduate Student Alvin Camba cited in Financial Times

Graduate Student Alvin Camba cited in Financial Times

“Manila’s online gambling boom highlights pivot to China”. Read the full article on The Financial Times’ website with a subscription.

In Seattle, A Move Across Town Could Be A Path Out Of Poverty

In Seattle, A Move Across Town Could Be A Path Out Of Poverty

Stefanie DeLuca’s research on innovative Seattle experiment to help lift families out of poverty on NPR.

America has a Housing Segregation Problem

America has a Housing Segregation Problem

Professor Stefanie DeLuca’s research on innovative Seattle experiment to help lift families out of poverty in Vox.

How a Section 8 Experiment Could Reveal a Better Way to Escape Poverty

How a Section 8 Experiment Could Reveal a Better Way to Escape Poverty

Stefanie DeLuca’s research on innovative Seattle experiment to help lift families out of poverty in CityLab

A Better Address Can Change a Child’s Future

A Better Address Can Change a Child’s Future

Professor DeLuca’s research on helping families move to higher opportunity neighborhoods in the New York Times.

Protests Rock Hong Kong and its Economy

Protests Rock Hong Kong and its Economy

Professor Ho-Fung Hung on MarketPlace NPR.

Ho-Fung Hung in Los Angeles Times

Ho-Fung Hung in Los Angeles Times

Beijing strikes ominous tone, saying military could intervene in Hong Kong See full article on Los Angeles Times website.

Professor Hung in The New York Times

Professor Hung in The New York Times

Tiny Apartments and Punishing Work Hours: The Economic Roots of Hong Kong’s Protests See full article on The New York Times website.

Hong Kong Police Shut Down Seventh Weekend of Protests With Tear Gas

Hong Kong Police Shut Down Seventh Weekend of Protests With Tear Gas

See full article on The Wall Street Journal website.

Too Much Knowledge, Too Little Power: An Assessment of Political Knowledge in Highly Policed Communities

Too Much Knowledge, Too Little Power: An Assessment of Political Knowledge in Highly Policed Communities

Vesla Weaver, Bloomberg Distinguished Associate Professor of Political Science and Sociology, in The Journal o f Politics.