Lingxin Hao
Benjamin H. Griswold III Professor in Public Policy
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Curriculum Vitae
- Mergenthaler 509
- FA24 Wednesday 3:00pm-5:00pm, or by appointment
- 410-516-4022
Research Interests: Social Inequality, Migration, Family Demography, Sociology of Education, Quantitative and Computational Methods
Education: PhD, University of Chicago
I am a Professor of Sociology, Johns Hopkins University. My areas of interest are social inequality, migration, family demography, sociology of education, and quantitative and computational methods. I received a Bachelor's in English at South China Normal University and a Master's in Sociology at Sun Yat-sen University, both in China, and a Ph.D. in Sociology in 1990 from the University of Chicago. I was a postdoc fellow at RAND's Labor and Population Program, and Assistant-to-Associate Professor at the Department of Sociology, University of Iowa. I have been in the Sociology Department at Hopkins since 1996.
My research examines the causes, processes and consequences of inequality in education, labor market, income, wealth, and health among individuals and families in the United States. To address the complexity of social inequality and interactive nature of the factors shaping inequality at interpersonal, institutional, and societal levels, my research emphasizes the understanding of individual decisions and social behaviors in physical, natural, and institutional environments. I test theory-derived hypotheses applying advanced quantitative and computational methods to large-scale, nationally representative panel survey data as well as administrative data linked with granularly geocoded aggregate statistics on population/place vulnerabilities and opportunities. Below, I describe my current projects.
- ChatGPT and college student STEM learning
Exploring the social science foundation of human-AI interaction, I am leading a multidisciplinary team of sociology, education, and computer science to investigate 1) factors that may change students’ trust in ChatGPT and 2) how the conversations between students and ChatGPT affect STEM learning. We have completed Phase-1 data collection of a randomized control field experiment among thousands of JHU gateway-course students in fall 2023. The setting is a peer-led-team learning program; the academic learning task is a 3-question quiz that is course-specific, week-specific at AID LEARN, an interface created by our team. Students are randomized into Arm 1, the control group, Arm 2, one-round interaction with the chatbot per quiz question, and Arm 3, multi-rounds interactions per quiz question. We also include an exit survey about the attitude and experience of using ChatGPT. Our analysis seeks to uncover the student-ChatGPT conversation patterns that explain how this heterogeneity further differentiate student learning outcomes using NLP, LLM and statistical models.
- Social Inequality in exposures to extreme climate events and social and health outcomes in the U.S.
My previous studies on population health (2000 Research on Aging; 2009 International Migration Review paper; and 2018-2023 publications on health) prepared me to engage in research on social inequality and social and health outcomes, including county-to-county migration, place resilience, and the child development of individual children 0-5 years old.
- The Life Course Process of Wealth Inequality
Building on my previous work on wealth inequality (1996 Social Forces; 2004 International Migration Review, 2007 book Color Lines, Country Lines), my research focuses on the life course process of wealth inequality. A current project examines the long arm of student debt for the black-white wealth gap in the United States. Student debt, rooted in low parental wealth and the need to borrow for human capital investment, may create pathways of uneven wealth mobility leading to persistent wealth inequality throughout the life course. I analyze individual wealth mobility in response to student debt accruement based on large-scale, nationally representative panel data 2014-2022. My estimates suggest that the harm caused by student debt on wealth mobility is much larger than the harm from credit card debt or loss of earnings. Furthermore, the harm is stronger for blacks than for whites.
- The Latent Structure of Employment Relations and the labor market outcomes
Expanding my previous research on employment inequality (1997 American Journal of Sociology; 2004 Journal of Policy Analysis and Management; 2013 Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies), I am a co-Principal Investigator of an NSF project to identify the latent structure of employee-employer relations. Our multidisciplinary team of sociologists, economists and applied mathematicians is developing inferential network models for dynamical employment relations observed in panel survey and administrative data with computational efficiency.
Current and Recent Grants
Hao, Lingxin (Principal Investigator). 2024-2025. “Exploring the Social Foundation of Human-AI interaction”. Data Science and AI Institute (DSAI) seed grand, Johns Hopkins University.
Hao, Lingxin (Principal Investigator). 2021-2026. “Hopkins Population Center.” National Institute of Health (NIH).
Hao, Lingxin (Co-Principal Investigator). 2020-2023. “Methods and Applications for Massive One-mode and Bipartite Social Networks.” National Science Foundation (NSF). (PI: Angelo Mele).
Hao, Lingxin (Principal Investigator). 2014-2020. “Research Infrastructure for the Hopkins Population Center.” National Institute of Health (NIH).
Hao, Lingxin (Principal Investigator). 2015-2017. “Agent-Based Modeling of Internal Migration.” National Institute of Health (NIH) R21.
Hao, Lingxin (Principal Investigator). 2013-2016. “Student Migration and Education Segregation.” National Science Foundation (NSF).
- 230.202 Research Methods for the Social Sciences (undergraduate)
- 230.317 Sociology of Immigration (undergraduate)
- 230.322 Quantitative Research Practicum (undergraduate)
- 230.362 Migration & Development (undergraduate; co-taught with Prof Agarwala)
- 230.605 Categorical Data Analysis (graduate)
- 230.609 Dissertation Seminar
- 230.615 Panel Data Analysis (graduate)
- 230.617 Seminar on Immigration (graduate)
- 230.618 Introduction to Computational Social Science (graduate)
Selected Articles in Referred Journals
Yu, Xiao, Lingxin Hao, Ciprian Crainiceanu, Andrew Leroux. March 2022. “Occupational Determinants of Physical Activity at Work: Evidence from Wearable Accelerometer in 2005-2006 NHANES.” SSM – Population Health, doi:
White, Alexandre Ilani Rein, Lingxin Hao, Xiao Yu, and Roland Thorpe. 2021. “Residential Racial Segregation and Social Distancing in the United States During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” EClinicalMedicine, Lancet.
Hao, Lingxin and Zhang, Dong. 2020. “China’s College Expansion and the Timing of College-to-Work Transition: A Natural Experiment.” The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 688, 93-114.
Fu, Zhaohao and Hao, Lingxin. 2018. “Agent-Based Modeling of China's Rural-Urban Migration and Social Network Structure.” Physica A, 490, 1067-1075.
Hao, Lingxin and Wei-Jun Jean Yeung. 2015. “Parental Spending on School-Age Children: The Role of SES, Race, and Parental Expectation.” Demography 52(3):835-860. (DOI) 10.1007/s13524-015-0386-1.
Hao, Lingxin, Alfred Hu, and Jamie Lo. 2014. “Two Aspects of the Rural-Urban Divide and Educational Stratification in: A Trajectory Analysis.” Comparative Education Review 58(3):509-536.
Hao, Lingxin. 2013. “Admission-Group Salary Differentials in the United States: The Significance of Labor Market Institutional Selection of High-Skilled Workers.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 1337-1360.
Hao, Lingxin and Han Soo Woo. 2012. “Distinct Trajectories in the Transition to Adulthood: Are Children of Immigrants Advantaged?” Child Development 83(5):1623-1639.
Assessing Inequality
SAGE Publications, Inc ,
Quantile Regression
SAGE Publications, Inc ,
Color Lines, Country Lines: Race, Immigration, and Wealth Stratification in America
Russell Sage Foundation ,
Kin Support, Welfare, and Out-of-Wedlock Mothers
Garland Publishing ,
Hao & Zhang, 2020, supplementary table and figures
Hao & Naiman, 2007, Quantile Regression, Stata code and data files