Zophia Edwards
Assistant Professor
Contact Information
- [email protected]
- Mergenthaler 560
- FA24 Wednesday, 2:00pm-4:00pm
Research Interests: Development, Global & Transnational, Labor & Labor Movements, Postcolonial, Political, Race & Ethnicity, Comparative & Historical, Quantitative Methods
Education: PhD, Boston University
Zophia's research examines the impacts of colonialism and multiracial labor movements on state formation and human development in the Global South, with a particular focus on resource-rich countries.
Selected Publications:
Edwards, Z. Applying The Black Radical Tradition: Class, Race, and a New Foundation for Studies of Development. Political Power and Social Theory.(37), 155-183.
Edwards, Z. (2020) Postcolonial Sociology as a Remedy for Global Diffusion Theory. The Sociological Review.(68), 1179-1195.
Edwards, Z. Go, J. (2019) The Forces of Imperialism: Internalist and Global Explanations of the Anglo-European Empires, 1750-1960. The Sociological Quarterly.(60), 628-653.
Edwards, Z. (2017) Boon or Bane: Examining Divergent Development Outcomes among Oil- and Mineral-Dependent Countries in the Global South. International Journal of Comparative Sociology.(58), 304-332.
Edwards, Z. (2017) Labor, Agency, and State-building in Trinidad and Tobago: Toward a Postcolonial Sociological Approach to Development. Journal of Historical Sociology.(3), 134-153.
Edwards, Z. (2017) No Colonial Working Class, No Post-colonial Development: A Comparative-historical Analysis of Two Oil-rich Countries. Studies in International Comparative Development.(53), 477–499.
Edwards, Z. (2017) Resistance and Reforms: The Role of Subaltern Agency in Colonial State Development. Political Power and Social Theory .(33), 175-201.
Racism, Capitalism, and the COVID-19 Pandemic
Daraja Press ,